Evidence and Discipline-based Performance
New Perspective… and New Pathways for Action
Roundtable Discussion Agenda: A collaborative pathway to sustained high-performance value-creation, wage growth, social value and an energised Australian economy.
The leadership of the professions in supporting the stimulation of enhanced corporate and public performance in the era of global volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA) is not only desirable – it is necessary for survival. The prescription is not for radical risk-taking, but for advanced integrated disciplines sufficient to excel within daily opportunities and challenges.
New knowledge has emerged, giving new perspective and new pathways for action. Preliminary research and engagement with Australia’s preeminent economic leaders leaves the question “Does Australia have the appetite for the necessary collaborative action?”
Through involvement in the roundtable, participants will:
- Gain deeper understanding of the global trends in advanced cross-discipline integrated thinking
- Better understand the mechanics of highly-effective organisational performance, better decision making, improved risk-performance, and sustained long-term value-creation (Governance of Value Creation)
- Better understand how investible quality future-oriented disclosure can be achieved, and the economic influencing power this can deliver
- Consider the potential vehicle for action in Australia
- Consider the scope and feasibility of collaborative action, and the leadership potential of ‘outcome endorsement’
Invited Attendees:
The audience for this roundtable will include an exclusive group of invited attendees drawn from Chair, Director, CEO, CFO and Senior Executives from the Professional Bodies, Major Corporates, relevant government Agencies, members of Federal and State Parliaments and selected economic thought leaders.